
The Best Pillow You’ll Find In Australia

Spinal Design offers the best pillow in Australia!

Are you losing sleep due to neck or back pains? Buy our chiropractic pillow online now!

Having consistently good sleeps is truly crucial to one’s overall health and well-being, both mental and physical. For anyone who experiences poor sleeps due to neck or back pain, or anyone who simply has trouble sleeping due to an old pillow, going without sufficient sleep for a long time can have detrimental effects on your body and mind.

When you face a problem like this, you don’t have time to wait to purchase a new pillow. When you’re losing sleep and need a new pillow that helps you sleep comfortably, Australians can look to Spinal Design’s chiropractic pillow (the best pillow in Australia) to come to the rescue. Our best pillow in Australia provides a number of amazing features and benefits, including ventilation, environmental friendliness, multi adjustability, temperature regulation, pressure point relief, low maintenance and minimisation of strain on neck and shoulders.

When you purchase Spinal Design’s chiropractic pillow, you’ll find how quickly your sleep improves. The best pillow in Sydney can just as easily relieve pressure points as it can stop snoring! (so if your partner’s a snorer, you’ll be thanking us). No job is too big or too small for Spinal Design‘s best pillow in Sydney that you can count on to solve all your issues when it comes to pain and restless sleeps. Our team of pillow specialists are trained to serve you with a wealth of knowledge and experience, providing the advice and guidance you need.

Our innovative pillow design allows the individual to tailor the pillow to suit their own sleeping signature, sleeping position, neck height and shoulder width! Australia’s best pillow does it all!

When you need to find the best pillow in Australia, Australians can rest assured that Spinal Design’s chiropractic pillow will do the trick.



Are you ready to replace your old pillow with one that can provide adequate head and neck support? Consider trying our Spinal Design pillow!

You can watch a video all about our Spinal Design Pillow by clicking the link here > 

Spinal Design is dedicated to bringing you the best nights sleep possible. After 20 years of refined customer-based research combined with scientific Ergovent testing we have produced the BEST pillow that is proudly made and owned in Australia. The Spinal Design pillow provides individual support and hypoallergenic comfort especially for those with allergies and ventilation to suit the humidity of the Australian climate.

If you have any questions regarding our state of the art pillow please do not hesitate to Contact Us and we will be happy to answer any query you may have!

The Best Pillow In Australia

Spinal Design offers the best pillow in Australia!

Are you losing sleep due to neck or back pains? Buy our chiropractic pillow online now!

As human beings, one of the most important things we can do is get quality sleep – we literally couldn’t live without it, which is why it’s so important. When you’re experiencing problems with your neck and back, not only is it inconvenient and uncomfortable, it can also affect your overall health and wellbeing. For any issue of this kind, purchase the best pillow in Australia from Spinal Design to combat any discomforts and potential long-term injuries.

Spinal Design spent 20 years testing and innovating our groundbreaking pillow for your ultimate convenience. As the leading chiropractic pillow experts in Australia, Spinal Design’s best pillow in Australia can improve sleeping habits and quality, minimise strain on neck and shoulders, relieve pressure points and ultimately better your mental health. Our best pillow in Australia is made using an exciting new technology called ErgoVent to increase ventilation which minimises excessive sweating and overheating. The best pillow in Australia is also made from natural cylindrical fibres and handmade in Australia to ensure all customer needs are met and satisfied. Spinal Design’s best pillow in Australia can tackle any discomfort or pain you may have, big or small.

Many neck or back pains are considered emergency problems that need attention straight away. When you begin losing sleep over these unpleasantries, swift action must be taken. Spinal Design’s best pillow in Australia is a chiropractic pillow that’s there to be bought at any time you need, helping you recover and see changes quickly.

You cannot go wrong with the best pillow in Australia at Spinal Design. Spinal Design guarantees our pillow’s effectiveness and it is one of the reasons why so many people continue to purchase the best pillow in Australia.



Are you ready to replace your old pillow with one that can provide adequate head and neck support? Consider trying our Spinal Design pillow!

You can watch a video all about our Spinal Design Pillow by clicking the link here > 

Spinal Design is dedicated to bringing you the best nights sleep possible. After 20 years of refined customer-based research combined with scientific Ergovent testing we have produced the BEST pillow that is proudly made and owned in Australia. The Spinal Design pillow provides individual support and hypoallergenic comfort especially for those with allergies and ventilation to suit the humidity of the Australian climate.

If you have any questions regarding our state of the art pillow please do not hesitate to Contact Us and we will be happy to answer any query you may have!

Why Chiropractic Pillows Are A Must

How often are you waking up with neck pains, back pains, or even headaches? Well, chiropractic pillows may be your one solution!

You’d be surprised just how many people suffer from restless sleeps, resulting in imbalances in the human vital body circuitry. This travels through the neck to your body and brain, passing through large veins, arteries, the spine, nerves, and airways like the oesophagus. Any discomfort or inconsistencies in these parts can ruin anyones day.

To combat these unpleasantries, many chiropractors recommend patients invest in a chiropractic pillow. These lifesavers can improve the sleeping ability of an individual due to the incredible comfort it provides. They cradle the neck and keep the head in a neutral position; compared to regular pillows which give elevation to the neck from the shoulder and can result in a stiff neck the next morning.

Did you know a third of your life is spent sleeping, so correct sleeping posture is a MUST! If your pillow is the wrong height, both muscles and joints will be affected. In some cases, incorrect head and neck positioning can even effect breathing and be the cause of snoring! Not only do you need to get enough sleep, you need to get enough good quality sleep, and nothing can help a person feeling fresh the next day more than having the correct pillow.

Fun Chiropractic Pillow Facts:

  • Most chiropractic pillows are made using memory foam. However, some are inflatable or even filled with water!
  • The pillows are made with breathable material which help to allow the body to regulate its temperature.
  • There are several styles that allow easy travelling, becoming like a little travel buddy!


Now Let’s Dive Into The Specific Benefits Chiropractic Pillows Provide:

1. Chiropractic Pillows Offer Neck Support

Even though you may have a favourite pillow which seems to do the job, it may not be the best one for your back and neck. Most pillows allow the weight of the head to sink to a position which can allow the function of the spine to be restricted. Chiropractic pillows are especially made to offer support, structured in a way to help keep the spine in its natural and unrestricted position.

2. Chiropractic Pillows Can Help with Headaches

As the spine moves in and out of position during sleeps, it can actually cause pain. Using the wrong pillow can increase your chances of such movement, causing tension which can lead to serious and stubborn headaches. This is something many people suffer from on a regular basis, and guess what, that’s exactly what chiropractic pillows can help eliminate!

3. Chiropractic Pillows Support a Healthy Posture

Chiropractors suggest that investing in a chiropractic pillow can significantly help improve your posture. Research suggests that a healthy posture is linked to good overall health (I bet these pillows are sounding even more irresistible right now).

Ultimately, these pillows enable the person to be in the right posture while sleeping due to its smart design. It’s an effective therapy through its rest and repair method, meaning this pillow treats and cures a person’s stress and strains while they’re sleeping. So, if you’re looking to improve your overall physical and mental wellbeing by the way you sleep, then our chiropractic pillows are for you!

Are you ready to replace your old pillow with one that can provide adequate head and neck support? Consider trying our Spinal Design pillow!

You can watch a video all about our Spinal Design Pillow by clicking the link here > 

Spinal Design is dedicated to bringing you the best nights sleep possible. After 20 years of refined customer-based research combined with scientific Ergovent testing we have produced the BEST pillow that is proudly made and owned in Australia. The Spinal Design pillow provides individual support and hypoallergenic comfort especially for those with allergies and ventilation to suit the humidity of the Australian climate.

If you have any questions regarding our state of the art pillow please do not hesitate to Contact Us and we will be happy to answer any query you may have!

Is Your Pillow Impacting Your Health?

When sleeping on a bad or worn out mattress it is often noticeable immediately.

You may notice a worn out groove or even the possible spring poking into your back. However, the mattress that you sleep is is not the only factor that has a role in your ability to get good nights sleep, your pillow is just as important or could be argued more important than your mattress!

Most of us take our pillows for granted, but you may not know that they are vital for your comfort, posture as well as your overall health and wellbeing while you are asleep. Like everything else we sleep with such as blankets, donnas, sheets etc. our pillows can also wear out over time. So how can you tell if your pillow needs to be replaced?

The Importance Of Pillows

The pillow you sleep on plays into a variety of important roles while you sleep during the night:

• Back and Neck Support. This may seem to be the most obvious factor of the results of a worn out pillow. All pillows are designed in a way to support both your neck and your back while you are asleep. The neck has a natural curve to it, so when you are trying to lie down flat, you may possibly feel some strain. A pillow that is supportive will maintain your head at a slight elevation so you don’t experience any long-term neck problems. It is common to also sometimes use a separate pillow to add support in other areas depending on how you sleep. For example, if you sleep on your side you can place a pillow between your knees to keep your back straight throughout the night.

• Comfort. Most of us love the feeling of resting our heart on a pillow that is soft and supportive. After a long days work you know how comforting it can be to lay down on a good pillow. This comfort is important for providing relaxation and can help you fall asleep quicker and stay asleep for longer!

• Cleanliness. Like your other bedding, your pillow also needs to be clean! Although washing and changing your pillow case frequently to help keep it reasonably clean, overtime a variety of bodily fluids such as oils, sweat, microorganisms and suit can accumulate on the actual pillow itself.

• Temperature. Pillows also can control your body temperature. If you happen to sleep on a pillow that is not breathable, the pillow can heat up through the night, in turn resulting in a climate that results in discomfort and can lead to a bad night sleep.

Signs Of A Bad Pillow

How can you tell if the pillow you currently sleep on is worth replacing?

• Tossing and turning. If you’re constantly constantly tossing and turning throughout the night, this can result in poor-quality of sleep. There can be a variety of reasons why you could be moving around a lot during the night. If you are feeling overwhelmed, stressed or worries, this could be the cause of the problem. If the mattress that you sleep on is past its time and no longer properly and effectively supports you the way that it did when you first got it, it could be the problem. Otherwise, if your pillow is worn out and old, this may be the biggest problem and cause of a bad nights sleep.

• Insufficient support. Over time, most types of pillow end up going flat, or slowly lose their support for your head and neck. After spending countless night resting the full weight of your head or body on your pillow, they obviously can no longer do their optimum job of supporting you properly. You can gauge this by comparing the fullness and support it gave you when you first got it.

• Neck and/or back pain. How frequently do you wake up in the morning with either neck or back pain? If this becomes a constant issue, your pillows are most likely to be the culprit. Pillows are meant to provide optimum support for your neck and back during the night so if your pillow does not provide you with this type of support it may be time to invest in a new pillow to revitalise your sleep!

• Subjective discomfort. Sometimes you can tell immediately if a pillow is just not right. When sleeping it’s important that you feel comfortable almost immediately or you will spend time trying to get comfortable to fall asleep and also cause problems for the amount of sleep you end up getting. If your pillow is no longer of the same comfort it was when you first got it, whether this be because of the texture of the below or becomes your taste in pillow has changed, it’s time to get a new one.

• Allergy irritation. As your pillow collects dust, particles, oils and other materials over time, your pillow will tend to produce more allergic reactions. If you find that your allergies are constantly playing it, it could be your pillow to blame!

• Heavy discolouration. When you take the case off your pillow what to do you see? Is it really discoloured or have various marks on it? This is the sign that your pillow is past its time and a substantial reason to replace it.

• Inconsistency. Run your hand across the entire surface of your pillow. Is there a consistent texture and firmness to the pillow? Or does the pillow feel lumpy or patchy? If you find that your pillow has a lot of texture inconsistencies, it may need to be replaced!



Finding The Perfect Pillow

If you are in the market to buy a new pillow to replace your old one, you should look for the best quality pillow. The following factors can help you find the right pillow for you:

• Number and placement. How many pillows would you like? Depending on your sleeping position, it may be suitable to have a second pillow to give additional areas of your body support.

• Firmness. Every person prefers a different level of firmness to their pillow. Here at Spinal Design our pillows are multi adjustable and are suitable for all types of sleepers. You can take out the filling for a softer pillow or add more for a firmer pillow.

• Structure and materials. You may find that some pillows have a unique structure that will give them some type of edge. For example, breathable air channels that keep the pillow cool, or a special materials that will prevent or reduce allergies. Here at Spinal Design our pillow is anti-microbial, anti-fungal and dust mite resistant. The inner cylindrical fibres are naturally resistant to bugs making this a healthier sleeping option. No poisonous and toxic chemicals are added to kill dust mites. Our pillow is also ErgoVent tested and has the best results for a natural, adjustable and ventilated pillow.

• Other features. You can also find pillows that comes with extra features such as, infused with essential oils that can help you relax and fall asleep.


Are you ready to replace your old pillow with one that can provide adequate head and neck support? Consider trying our Spinal Design pillow!

You can watch a video all about our Spinal Design Pillow by clicking the link here > 

Spinal Design is dedicated to bringing you the best nights sleep possible. After 20 years of refined customer-based research combined with scientific Ergovent testing we have produced the BEST pillow that is proudly made and owned in Australia. The Spinal Design pillow provides individual support and hypoallergenic comfort especially for those with allergies and ventilation to suit the humidity of the Australian climate.

If you have any questions regarding our state of the art pillow please do not hesitate to Contact Us and we will be happy to answer any query you may have!